Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I have started couponing. I dabbled here and there over the years, but now that I am in the know, I will be saving some moolah. Today, hit up the local Publix with my coupons....drumroll please....I saved $40.42. It's only a 40% savings on the whole bill, but my numbers were skewed a little because I had to get milk, sour cream and Juice at full price. (I couldn't find any coupons for them). I have yet to get to CVS this week to get my free money...but there is still time! Happy Couponing!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Duds

I am not a big fan of matchy-matchy for boys. My guys looked adorable in their Easter duds. I just love them!

Friday, March 25, 2011

No Cully!

Momma...Bryant hit me!

Bryant does not like Cullen on his chair.

Good times.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow again

Snow is upon us again. The last couple of snows Kaylynn couldn't come over because we were all sick with something. But this time we are all healthy and ready to sled!

Here is Kaylynn starting things off....

And here is Bryant and Kaylynn....they love each other!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cullen 8 Months

My Cullen is already 8 months old! He is 18 pounds and counting. He has 2 teeth on the bottom and working on some top teeth. As I am typing this his army crawling to get some flowers to eat! He is determined to eat some dahlias!

Needless to say, my boy is growing so fast!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Here we are in the middle of November and the boys are sick. Bryant's sickness lasted 7 days and he is now back to being our precious little man. (Besides being 2).

Cullen has the crud now and is handling it well. He can't keep down solids but is keeping down the formula (thank goodness it's non-dairy and hypoallergenic).

Let's hope they are all better by Saturday for Kaylynn's birthday party at Chuck-e-cheese.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fire Truck by Ivan Ulz

So for a couple of months Bryant has been singing this song under his breath here and there. Of course, I had no idea what he was singing...Leave to youtube to have it!

It's catchy.